Building and contents insurance protects your home from unforeseen circumstances like fire or floods. It acts as a shield, safeguarding your assets and the lender’s.
Whether it’s you, your family or your possessions, making sure everything is covered provides much-needed peace of mind.
Obtaining the right insurance for you and your home, investment properties and valuables, is vital. Making sure you have enough of the right sort of cover can be a complex and time-consuming process so calling upon the expertise of an independent insurance intermediary should make life easier.
This is where Fitch & Fitch can help. We are specialist advisers on a wide range of insurance services, making sure you get the cover you require to protect you, your family and your health against the unexpected. We work with a panel of leading, specialist insurance providers. This enables us to research the market for the most competitive and comprehensive insurance for clients, taking the stress out of finding the right cover.
At Fitch & Fitch you can be confident we can help create financial security for you and your family’s future.
Buildings Insurance
It’s easy to be wise before the event. Buildings insurance protects you against the financial burden of repairing or reconstructing your home should it suffer damage or total destruction. This form of insurance covers the structural components of your home, such as the roof, walls, and windows, as well as permanent fixtures and fittings, like fitted kitchen units and bathroom suites.
Contents Insurance
Have you ever wondered how you would manage if your prized belongings were lost to fire, theft, or flood damage? This is where contents insurance comes in; it offers a financial safety net in such unfortunate events.
Landlords Insurance
Landlord insurance safeguards landlords from potential hazards linked to their rental property. It typically encompasses buildings and contents insurance, but it can be extended to include specific landlord-oriented covers like property owners’ liability, loss of rent, and tenant default insurance.
Need Assistance?
Fitch & Fitch is ready to assist in finding a insurance policy that fits your needs. Whether you would like to make a finance enquiry or simply have a question about our services, we’re on hand to help.